The new Rector in St.Johns, Newcastle the Revd Myrtle Morrison

Congratulation to Revd Myrtle Morrison who has been instituted as Rector of Newcastle. The service took place in St.Johns on Wednesday 13th October 2021, the Preacher was Revd Jan Stevenson, Community Pastor of Ballyholme Parish Church.

The Parishoners welcome Myrtle and Dill with open arms to St. Johns, there are exciting times ahead.

Revd Myrtle Morrison with Clergy who attended her Institution on Wednesday evening.

Revd Myrtle Morrison with Rectors Warden Mr Alan Byrne and Church Warden Mrs Jennifer White.

Revd Myrtle and Mr Dill Morrison

Symbols of Ministry presented to Revd Myrtle Morrison during the Institution.

The Institution of our new Rector Mrs Myrtle Morrison

We would like to welcome Rev Morrison and Mr Morrison to St. Johns Parish Church Newcastle, on this very special day for their families and the Parishioners.

We have been waiting for this day for twelve long months, our prayers had been answered when we had confirmation of Rev Morrisons appointment to sunny Newcastle during a Sunday service, we were all so happy to finally hear the wonderful news, we knew The Lord would answer our prayers.

We would have liked to have opened our doors to everyone, unfortunately Covid has dictated how we worship and the numbers allowed in St. Johns. So with social distancing in mind, our numbers are limited and for that reason anyone wishing to attend Rev Morrisons Institution, should contact Mrs Barbra Gibson on the mobile number below, this should by TEXT only please. The service of institution is on Wednesday 13th October 2021 at 8pm.

Mrs Barbra Gibson 0775 989 1927

August 2021 : Exciting times ahead, we have the wonderful news of Revd Myrtle Morrison who has been appointed Incumbent of the Parish of Newcastle in Dromore Diocese.

Revd Myrtle Morrison will take up her post in October 2021. Parishioners involved with the Rectory have had the pleasure of meeting with Myrtle.

Dear Parishioners,

Since 23rd August, we have been having shorter services only at 11.00am on Sundays in St John's church and the Select Vestry has placed a limit of 32 individual people due to the current coronavirus restrictions. However, if up to four members of one household or ‘bubble’ attend, they will together count for only one of the 32 - provided that space permits. This arrangement will continue.

As announced in church and in the last post on this webpage, if you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and wish to come to church, please observe the following basic steps, and also please note some changes:

  • Contact Barbra Gibson by text message at 07759-891927. Only if you cannot send a text message, please telephone the same number.

  • Bring a note with your name and contact details, for 'track & trace'.

  • Observe 2-metre social distancing on church property.

  • Face coverings will remain the norm at all times in church buildings.

  • As members of the congregation will be wearing face coverings, they now may sing hymns and canticles softly.

Until the Revd Myrtle Morrison takes up her post in October, the parish will be in the pastoral care of Bishop Darren McCartney, Area Dean and rector of Clonallon, Warrenpoint and Kilbroney. Bishop McCartney was a bishop in the Arctic before returning to parish ministry in this diocese several years ago. Although a rector and Area Dean, he remains also a bishop. In case of pastoral need, parishioners can contact Bishop McCartney on 028-4175 3478. Separate arrangements will be made for the conduct of Sunday worship. Parishioners can find our online presence at the parish Facebook page. (

We would like to take this opportunity to wish Canon Ellis and Coralie all the very best in this new chapter in their lives and thank them for all their support and dedication throughout the years in the Parish.

This post will conclude simply with the hymn 398, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, and the Blessing.

'Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.' (Ephesians 1:2).

Photo by Liz Byrne

Photo by Liz Byrne

Post No. 92 - Trinity XX - Sunday 25th October

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.



From now on, if you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and wish to come to church, please observe the following basic steps, and also please note some changes:

  • Contact Barbra Gibson by text message at 07759-891927. Only if you cannot send a text message, please telephone the same number.

  • Bring a note with your name and contact details, for 'track & trace'.

  • Observe 2-metre social distancing on church property.

  • Face coverings are now mandatory at all times in church buildings.

  • As members of the congregation will be wearing face coverings, they now may sing hymns and canticles softly.


The Canticle, Glory and Honour

Scripture Reading, Matthew Chapter 22 verses 34-46, read this week by Liz Byrne

Hymn 295 - Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly dove

Retirement Farewell Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 319 - Father of Heaven, whose love profound

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post No. 90 - Trinity XIX - Sunday 18th October

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.


The Canticle, Te Deum (Part 2)

Scripture Reading, Matthew Ch 22, verses 15-22, read this week by Jenny Constable

Hymn 269 - Hark ten thousand voices sounding

Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 281 - Rejoice, the Lord is King

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post 89 - Thursday 15th October

From the Rector

A General Vestry meeting was held on Monday 12th October when appointments and elections to various positions resulted as follows:

Rector’s Churchwarden: Alan Byrne; Rector’s Glebewarden: Bill Cash

People’s Churchwarden: Jennifer White; People’s Glebewarden: Pat Preston

The Select Vestry: The Churchwardens and Glebewardens, Audrey Briggs, Barbra Gibson, Gill Gleghorn, George Hanna, Karen Law, Vikki Methven, Brigid McCaw, Heather McClelland, Margaret Neill, John Roe and Barbara Robb.

Parochial Nominators: Barbra Gibson, George Hanna, Heather McClelland and Jennifer White. Supplemental Parochial Nominators: Audrey Briggs, Gill Gleghorn, Brigid McCaw and Vikki Methven.

Diocesan Synod representatives: Audrey Briggs and Heather McClelland.

Supplemental Diocesan Synod representatives: Vikki Methven and Jennifer White.

At the Select Vestry meeting immediately after the General Vestry, Barbra Gibson was elected as Honorary Secretary and Karen Law was elected as Honorary Treasurer.

I will be writing an October letter to parishioners and will be giving further information in a future post on this webpage.

Stay safe!

Ian M. Ellis

Post No. 87 - Harvest Thanksgiving - Sunday 11th October

Prize corn at Rockton World's Fair, an annual harvest festival in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [Photo: M. Rehemtulla]

Prize corn at Rockton World's Fair, an annual harvest festival in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada [Photo: M. Rehemtulla]

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.



The Canticle, Jubilate

Scripture Reading, Deuteronomy 8: 10-18, read this week by Jillian Aulds

Hymn 37 - Come, ye thankful people, come

Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 43 - Holy is the seed-time

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post No. 86 - Thursday 8th October

Notice regarding Harvest Thanksgiving

Morning Prayer next Sunday (11th October) will take the same format as usual in the current circumstances, but with an emphasis on Harvest Thanksgiving. Parishioners may bring items of non-perishable foods for onward donation to the Pantry Foodbank. As posted earlier, face coverings are now mandatory at all times within church buildings. Due to a maximum of 32 being permitted to attend, pre-registration is still required by ringing or texting me on 07930-256564.

Ian M. Ellis, Rector

Post No. 85 - Wednesday 7th October

Posts here every Sunday and Wednesday by 11.00am. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit



(As posted on Monday 5th October, Post No. 84)

We have been advised by the Diocese that due to the coronavirus pandemic the wearing of face coverings is now mandatory within churches and church halls for those aged 13 and over, unless there is a “reasonable excuse”. A face covering may be either a mask or a visor.


Scriptural Reflection

Hymn 321 - Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty

The Blessing

Post No. 83 - Trinity XVII - Sunday 4th October

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.


The Canticle, Glory and Honour

Scripture Reading, Matthew Ch 21, verses 33-46, read this week by Jennifer White

Hymn 672 - Light’s abode, celestial Salem

Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 318 - Father, Lord of all creation

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post No. 81 - Trinity XVI - Sunday 27th September

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.


The Canticle, Te Deum, Part 2

Scripture Reading, Matthew Ch 21, verses 23-32, read this week by Rosemarie Armstrong-Woodroffe

Hymn 652 - Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 655 - Loving Shepherd of your sheep

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post No. 80 - Wednesday 23rd September

Posts here every Sunday and Wednesday by 11.00am. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

From the Rector


(This notice is the same as the one posted last Sunday, Post No. 79)

As announced in Post No. 77 and in church, the annual General Vestry will be held on Monday 12th October at 7.30 pm.

Our parish accounts and reports for the financial year to 31 December 2019 are available online:

Please click the ‘Documents’ tab in the menu. A printed summary of the accounts will be available at the General Vestry meeting.

Because of existing coronavirus regulations, numbers attending the General Vestry will be limited to 30 and places should be pre-registered.

If you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and wish to attend the General Vestry meeting, please observe the following basic steps:

  • Telephone or text me at 07930-256564 during the week to register your intention. If I don't answer, please don't leave a voice message but ring again later, in order to avoid any confusion. If contacting me by text message, please await a confirmation reply from me.

  • Bring a note with your name and contact details, for 'track & trace'.

  • Observe 2-metre social distancing on church property.

  • Note the Church of Ireland's strong recommendation to wear face coverings during services. This is also to be taken as applying to Vestry meetings.

    Ian M. Ellis



Scriptural Reflection

Hymn 647 - Guide me, O thou great Jehovah

The Blessing

Post No. 79 - Trinity XV - Sunday 20th September

Online worship is available here by 11.00am on Sundays and Wednesdays. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

Welcome to Sunday worship from St John's, Newcastle, on this the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Today’s post takes the form of six audio worship recordings.


As announced in Post No. 77 and in church, the annual General Vestry will be held on Monday 12th October at 7.30 pm.

Our parish accounts and reports for the financial year to 31 December 2019 are available online:

Please click the ‘Documents’ tab in the menu. A printed summary of the accounts will be available at the General Vestry meeting.

Because of existing coronavirus regulations, numbers attending the General Vestry will be limited to 30 and places should be pre-registered.

If you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and wish to attend the General Vestry meeting, please observe the following basic steps:

  • Telephone or text me at 07930-256564 during the week to register your intention. If I don't answer, please don't leave a voice message but ring again later, in order to avoid any confusion. If contacting me by text message, please await a confirmation reply from me.

  • Bring a note with your name and contact details, for 'track & trace'.

  • Observe 2-metre social distancing on church property.

  • Note the Church of Ireland's strong recommendation to wear face coverings during services. This is also to be taken as applying to Vestry meetings.

    Ian M. Ellis



The Canticle, Glory and Honour

Scripture Reading, Matthew Ch 20, verses 1-16, read this week by Gill Gleghorn

Hymn 644 - Faithful shepherd, feed me

Reflection by the Rector, followed by Prayer

Hymn 643 - Be thou my vision

The Lord’s Prayer and Blessing

Post No. 78 - Wednesday 16th September

Posts here every Sunday and Wednesday by 11.00am. (Please note that Internet service disruption can cause delay.) For the diocesan website, visit

From the Rector

Christians Against Poverty

“CAP are serious, highly professional, deeply committed, and, above all, they will treat you as a human being of infinite value.” - Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, patron of CAP.

CAP says: “We are on a mission to release thousands of families from grinding poverty through award winning debt counselling and community groups. By equipping and empowering local churches to reach out on their doorsteps, we’re bringing hope to tens of thousands of people every year.”

For more information, to seek help or to support CAP, visit


Scriptural Reflection

Hymn 634 - Love divine, all loves excelling

The Blessing