Sunday School – ‘Stars on Sunday’ : Ashleigh McCartan 07727660141

Mothers Union : Elizabeth McCleery 028 4372 4797 

Choir & Organist : Rev.Morrison 0777 456 5914

Bible Reading Fellowship : Margaret Neill 028 4372 2317

Craft Group : Vikki Methvyn 028 4372 2354 or Wendy Rooney 028 4372 4786

Bowling Club : Jennifer McClure 028 4372 2050


Please come along – you will be made very welcome!





Youth – in association with the YMCA in Newcastle 028 4372 3147

Denise Malone Email:

Hall Use & Booking : Jackie Wilson 02843725209 (message service available)

Friends of St John's : Barbara Robb 028 4372 4402

Magazine Collation : Liz Nixon 028 437 22233

Catering Committee : Jennifer White 028 4372 3944