August 2021 : Exciting times ahead, we have the wonderful news of Revd Myrtle Morrison who has been appointed Incumbent of the Parish of Newcastle in Dromore Diocese.
/Revd Myrtle Morrison will take up her post in October 2021. Parishioners involved with the Rectory have had the pleasure of meeting with Myrtle.
Dear Parishioners,
Since 23rd August, we have been having shorter services only at 11.00am on Sundays in St John's church and the Select Vestry has placed a limit of 32 individual people due to the current coronavirus restrictions. However, if up to four members of one household or ‘bubble’ attend, they will together count for only one of the 32 - provided that space permits. This arrangement will continue.
As announced in church and in the last post on this webpage, if you do not have any Covid-19 symptoms and wish to come to church, please observe the following basic steps, and also please note some changes:
Contact Barbra Gibson by text message at 07759-891927. Only if you cannot send a text message, please telephone the same number.
Bring a note with your name and contact details, for 'track & trace'.
Observe 2-metre social distancing on church property.
Face coverings will remain the norm at all times in church buildings.
As members of the congregation will be wearing face coverings, they now may sing hymns and canticles softly.
Until the Revd Myrtle Morrison takes up her post in October, the parish will be in the pastoral care of Bishop Darren McCartney, Area Dean and rector of Clonallon, Warrenpoint and Kilbroney. Bishop McCartney was a bishop in the Arctic before returning to parish ministry in this diocese several years ago. Although a rector and Area Dean, he remains also a bishop. In case of pastoral need, parishioners can contact Bishop McCartney on 028-4175 3478. Separate arrangements will be made for the conduct of Sunday worship. Parishioners can find our online presence at the parish Facebook page. (
We would like to take this opportunity to wish Canon Ellis and Coralie all the very best in this new chapter in their lives and thank them for all their support and dedication throughout the years in the Parish.
This post will conclude simply with the hymn 398, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, and the Blessing.
'Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.' (Ephesians 1:2).
Photo by Liz Byrne