Post No. 1 - St Patrick’s Day
/(Please note that this Post is electronically dated March 19 as the page was reconfigured on that day. The Post was placed on March 17.)
Post No. 1 - St Patrick’s Day
Coronavirus situation
Message from the Rector, Canon Ian Ellis:
The Church of Ireland has called on parishes to follow government advice in the midst of the current coronavirus pandemic. Following the statements by the Prime Minister and the government's chief medical and scientific advisers yesterday (16th March), all services in St John's and St Colman's are suspended until further notice. Groups are no longer using the Parish Hall. I will be adding updates on this page of the parish website. In addition, I will be writing to all parishioners by post over the coming week.
The Bishop has issued a call to prayer in this situation, using a prayer written by the Archbishop of Dublin:
Almighty and All–loving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we pray to you through Christ the Healer for those who suffer from the Coronavirus Covid–19 in Ireland and across the world. We pray too for all who reach out to those who mourn the loss of each and every person who has died as a result of contracting the disease. Give wisdom to policymakers, skill to healthcare professionals and researchers, comfort to everyone in distress and a sense of calm to us all in these days of uncertainty and distress. This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who showed compassion to the outcast, acceptance to the rejected and love to those to whom no love was shown. Amen
The Collect of St Patrick’s Day:
Almighty God, in your providence you chose your servant Patrick to be the apostle of the Irish people, to bring those who were wandering in darkness and error to the true light and knowledge of your Word: Grant that walking in that light we may come at last to the light of everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Post No. 2 by 12 noon on Thursday 19th March